greatly done!!!
one of the best sprite animations ever! (Super Mario Bros. Z has the first place)
greatly done!!!
one of the best sprite animations ever! (Super Mario Bros. Z has the first place)
kind of... predictable. anyways, we were all waiting for brawl. =D
si, la animación está bien hecha. Y sí, "Alejandro, eres un cabrón".
ojalá sigas subiendo más cosas, eres un orgullo para la animación flash mexicana. Nos olemos luego.
nicely done!
i liked this. really. but... there's nothing like you promising "impossible quiz 3"
i know it's not happening.
This cartoon was pretty well done
Y qué pasa después?
it was good. It doesn't look like a first flash, but if it was, it was pretty nice. keep up your works.
No, not a first flash. I did a lot of flashing a year or so back. But I just came back and did my first complete one, and so yeah, it's a bit lacking.
you're so fanfreaking sick!
hermoso, hermano!
hey there!
I really wanted to say... AWESOME!
and to congratulate you because it was about time for you to submit something new. You were the first animator i really liked on newgrounds, and i hope you keep going. Make more "Real Legend of Zelda"!!
Mexicanimator and graphic artist. Making stuff for Free Culture.
All the stuff I do is CC-By except when otherwise stated.
Age 32
2D Animator
VFS (2010-2012)
Joined on 3/6/07